The Damerino Iced Panettone is covered with a crunchy glaze rich in almonds.
The recipe is the same as the traditional Filippi panettone, kneaded with natural sourdough, fresh eggs from free-range hens, Bourbon vanilla pods from Madagascar, fresh and fragrant cubes of candied orange from Calabria and very soft selected raisins.
Pasticceria Filippi's glaze is crispy on the palate on the outside and soft on the inside; the scent it releases is delicately sweet and fruity and the bright yellow dough shows the typical irregular honeycomb distinctive of a natural leavening.
All Filippi Artisan Panettone are made with ingredients grown and processed according to nature. We constantly work to maintain high quality standards, the pastry laboratory has expanded over time but the heart has remained the same: our goal is to churn out products that are really good, not only for the palate, but also for people, society and the environment.
Iced panettone | DMR 0303 | 17.63 oz | Pcs 6 x ct
Iced panettone | DMR 0305 | 35.27 oz | Pcs 6 x ct